Monday, March 28, 2011


On Friday night we arrived in Kiev for Kiev Fashion Days. How exciting!!

We got to the hotel extremely late on our first night so we didn't get a chance to look around Kiev untill the next day.

We left to explore the city and found this huge clock on the side of the road right outside of our hotel it's amazing! And yes it was snowing in March!!

We went exploring and found the biggest dance off the world has even seen between two towns surrounding Kiev. It was the strangest thing to see grown men and women dancing to Thriller in the snow in their plastic rain coats. It looked like so much fun!!

In Kiev there are no pedestrian crossings. So while we where pondering how to cross 4 lane roads we saw people going into what we thought was the underground but turned out to be an underground walk way. It was like going into a not so secret passage way.

We love Kiev!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for having visited Kiev Fashion Days. It was much fun listening for your lecture and watching the show. Wonderful collection, the last dress impressed most of all. I'm also glad, you've liked Kiev and hope you'll come to us once more.
    P. S. There are pedestrian crossings in Kiev, but during various performances and events in the city's centre they are blocked and it's much safer to use subway:)
